Charlotte Peden Psychodynamic psychotherapist and counsellorBPC, FPC, MBACP (Accred)Norwich and online

Psychodynamic therapists work with the idea that experiences from the past, even those not consciously remembered, impact on us in the present. These memories may show themselves through patterns of behaviour and patterns of relationships. Memories may be in the form of powerful emotions that you only partly understand.

Often, we hold in our mind, a story about who we are and what the world is like. It is important to have a story of yourself as it gives meaning and identity.

Sometimes what we believe to be true about ourselves may be in conflict with our underlying emotions. In this way, we may have a story which excludes a lot of our selves, our emotions and experience.

Stories that don't really fit can lead us to make poor choices, do things that make us unhappy or limit our potential. Psychodynamic therapy seeks to examine and make sense of these contradictions, partial memories and unhelpful patterns of behaviour.

Examining your story and its roots in past experiences, underlying assumptions and emotions, can enable you to construct, over time, a story of yourself where you can feel, think and live more freely.

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